Saturday, May 18, 2024

Euro 2024 Payment Instructions



Hi my football predicting friends. If you are not going to be visiting me anytime soon and you want to use this page to pay for your Euro 2024 Prediction Pool entry then follow these instructions.

The cost for the Euro Prediction Pool is $20 USD if you are paying from within USA. If you are paying from outside the USA the cost is $21:50  which is 5% + .50c fees imposed by PayPal.

Okay, ready to start?

Open up the following two addresses, 

the PayPal website :

and if necessary:

a copy of these instructions!

Simply sign into you paypal account and click on the "Send& Request" tab, then select send and then enter my email address

 and then enter the amount in the next screen

Remember $20 USD from the USA, $21.50 or equivalent from overseas.

Please make sure the payment is in US dollars. ALSO please pay any fees that Paypal may charge. This is very important.

In case you have not played the pool before 100% of the pool money goes to the winners, I don't  pay for my own entry. With about 60 people playing it takes a lot of my time to collate all the results and send out updates.

For transparency I always send a copy of my predictions to three other people. If you like I can send it to you... in the very unlikely chance I might win! Ha ha ha ha.

Please make sure I get the payment by 12 Noon 13th June 2024, Pacific Coast Time, USA.

Good luck and thanks for playing!

Okay, are you ready? Set, Go!!!

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